
About me

My name's Yuri and I'm Full-Stack Developer with focus on Front-End. I'm a tireless seeker of the 'why' of things, and finding both a good and efficient way of solving problems.

I'm very passionate about writing and helping people grasp difficult concepts in an easy way. I also enjoy painting and design. I can also occasionally bake an amazing flan.



coffeebusiness landing page Demo

Landing Page Demo for Coffee Business made with Bootstrap, HTML and CSS.
Click it to visit!

NASA api image rendering app

Responsive Web App made with REACT. It utilizes the NASA API to render the images, descriptions and authors.
Click it to visit!

Technical Writing ideas home page image

Responsive Web App made with REACT to fetch writing prompts from a custom made API with the help of a predictive search bar.
Click it to visit!


App made with Node.js, Mailchimp API and Express for the back-end. Front-end made with Bootstrap. This allows users to enter their email account and to sign up successfully to my newsletter.
Click it to visit!

taskmanager mockup

Responsive task manager web app made using JavaScript. It utilizes Local Storage, light-dark theme toggle, random quote and motivation generators and delete task functionality.
Click it to visit!

Screenshot of current website

This portfolio was made using JavaScript, Bootstrap, HTML5 and CSS.
Click it! It sends you to the top!

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